Saturday, June 18, 2011

What should be the name of this zombie film I'm working on?

This is going to be a zombie film. Bloody and all, but also its going
to have ALOT of emotion and tears. It's going to start out with a guy
in high school. He hates his life because it's never what he wants.
and the only reason he's worth living is because he has a girlfriend.
and he doesn't want to leave her, and doesn't want her to leave
either. so he keeps wishing that something new happens for a change.
and then zombies come out and blah blah blah yeah. he tries to find
his girlfriend because they were split up and he didnt make it to her
fast enough and when he finds her, she's dead. and he cries, and yeah.
butt heres more to it, im just summing it up. alot of problems happen
on the way too. but what should it be named. I was thinking something
simple but not too cheesy. It was originaly ARISING. but should i
change it? i dont want anything like "Dead of the high school" or
somthing like "high school nightmare". The movie is going to be
unique. it's not going to be something like dawn of the dead, or night
or the living dead. its going to be something more like i am legend.
so yeah

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